Hoshiai no Sora
Stars Align
7.40 / 10 7.59 / 10PLOT
"Hoshiai no Sora" (English: "Stars Align") is a sports drama anime that focuses on the members of a struggling high school soft tennis club. The story follows Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student with a talent for tennis, and his classmate Toma Shinjo, the passionate captain of the soft tennis club. As the team faces the threat of disbandment due to its lack of success, Toma convinces Maki to join the team and help them improve their skills. However, "Hoshiai no Sora" is not just about tennis. It delves deeply into the personal lives of its characters, showcasing the struggles they face outside of the club, including family issues, societal pressures, and personal identity. The series handles these mature themes with sensitivity, offering a realistic portrayal of adolescence.